Academic Study
Primary Curriculum
Al Sadiq provides primary education for students from Kindergarten through to Year 6 and caters for students' needs and interests by offering an enriched curriculum with further experiences in Arabic and Religion, Sport and other co-curricular activities.
Curriculum in the Primary School is divided as follows:
Early Stage 1 - Kindergarten
Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2
Stage 2 - Years 3 and 4
Stage 3 - Years 5 and 6
Despite these groupings, students' development can be sporadic in some instances, with rapid growth in learning at times, whilst at other times, progress may slow down. Similarly, we find that some students will make good progress in some curriculum areas but not in all at the same rate. Our qualified teachers are very much in tune with this and will adjust the delivery of the courses to suit the developmental needs of the students.
The academic programme for the Primary School at the College is based on the curriculum mandated by NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority). We provide a differentiated curriculum with the aim of meeting the needs of all students with innovative and flexible programmes that allow students to achieve their full potential.
Students study the following mandatory subjects at Al Sadiq College:
Science and Technology
Human Society and Its Environment
Creative Arts
Language (Arabic)
The school is committed to continually seeking to improve learning outcomes for all students through focused and targeted planning by reviewing past performance, current research into learning theory, professional development of staff and school resourcing, including continual updating of information technologies, as a tool for engaging students.