Conditions of enrolment
Al Sadiq College is a co-educational college providing an education underpinned by Islamic (Muslim Alawite) values and operating within the policies of the NESA (NSW Education Satndards Authority). All applications will be processed in order of receipt and consideration will be given to the applicant’s support for the ethos of the school, siblings already attending the school, and other criteria determined by the school from time to time. Once enrolled, students are expected to support the school’s ethos and comply with the school rules to maintain the enrolment.
Al Sadiq College is a comprehensive co-educational K-12 College providing holistic education underpinned by Islamic values and operating within the policies of the NSW Educational Standards Authority (N.E.S.A). Applications will be processed in order of receipt and consideration will be given to the applicant’s support for the ethos of the College, siblings already attending the College, and other criteria as determined by the College from time to time, including but not limited to the College’s ability to meet the applicant’s educational, emotional, social physical and other needs.
Al Sadiq College has high expectations of both parents and students. Students are expected to behave in a manner that brings honour to themselves, their family, their faith and the College, and to be fully involved in all areas of College life. Parents are expected to support the College by supporting the College philosophy and ethos, upholding all the College policies and encouraging their children to uphold and support the College’s values, expectations and policies.
In accepting a place of enrolment, parents agree to;
- Support the rules, policies and decisions of the College; including uniform and behaviour policies;
- Support the work and expectations of teachers, College leaders and College Board;
- Pay College fees in full and in a timely manner; and,
- Commit themselves to support and attend College community events.
In this Application for Enrolment, “College” means the Al Sadiq College and where the context permits, the Principal, and “my child” means the child referred to on the pages overleaf under the heading “Personal Details” being the child in respect of whom this Application is made. “The Principal” means the incumbent Principal or his/her delegate as may be required from time to time.
1.I/We acknowledge that the College is built on the foundations of the Muslim Alawite faith, and on the behaviours and attitudes that these foundations reflect.
2.I/We agree that all communication between parents, students, community and staff members should be conducted in a considerate, polite and respectful manner and using the proper identified communication channels.
3.I/We agree to avoid confrontation and criticism of the College and/or College staff and accept that there is no place in the College community for sarcasm, humiliation, intimidation, inappropriate familiarity or offensive, defamatory and/or derogatory remarks, or any form of violence or threat of violence.
4.I/We agree to support the College ethos and to abide by the values, policies and rules of the College as set out in the College’s publications, including but not limited to the Parent/Student Handbooks, the Student Code of Conduct, and the College Community Code of Conduct. We note that the student must do the same and we agree to encourage our son/daughter in this.
5.I/We acknowledge the College’s requirements for behaviour, uniform, home study, attendance and leave and agree to abide by and support them.
6.I/We acknowledge that the College requires parents to attend parent-teacher interviews and parent meetings as advertised from time to time, and may require parents to attend interviews at the College to discuss matters including but not limited to a child’s behaviour, attendance, and/or academic progress.
7.I/We understand that the College offers voluntary opportunities for parents to participate in their child’s education (e.g. classroom help, parent help on excursions), and expects all parents to provide assistance to the College in a voluntary capacity from time to time.
8.I/We acknowledge and agree that the College will review the behaviour and academic needs of your child from time to time, including prior to commencing enrolment.
9.I/We acknowledge that my child may be required to undergo an entry assessment to determine their educational needs, and that no warranty or undertaking has been given by or on behalf of the College that this Application will be accepted.
10.I/We acknowledge that students must abide by the College rules and act in accordance with the directions of the College Principal and staff.
11.I/We acknowledge that the College reserves the right to take any disciplinary action thought appropriate by the College in relation to any child whose attitude, progress and/or behaviour is not, in the College’s opinion, conducive to the welfare of that child, the welfare of other children, or is prejudicial to the reputation of the College.
12.I/We acknowledge that if the Principal, or any person deputizing for the Principal, considers that a student is guilty of a serious breach of the College rules or has otherwise engaged in conduct which is prejudicial to the College or its students or staff, the Principal or any person deputizing for the Principal, may, at their absolute discretion, take whatever action is deemed appropriate and necessary which may include (but is not limited to) excluding the student permanently or temporarily from the College and/or from College related activities. In this case, all fees and charges will remain due and payable and no refunds will be given.
13.I /We acknowledge that if the College Management Board or Principal believe that a mutually beneficial relationship of trust and co-operation between a parent and the College has broken down to the extent that it adversely impacts the College (or members of the College community) and/or the relationship between the parent and the College (or members of the College community), then the Principal may require the parent to remove the child from the College. Such a decision would be discussed with parents in the first instance. In this case, all fees and charges will remain due and payable and no refunds will be given.
14.I/We acknowledge that students are required to be well groomed and wear the College uniform neatly and correctly at College, on all College activities and excursions, and whilst travelling to or from the College.
15.I/We acknowledge that students must attend the College on all gazetted College days unless they have a medical illness, a medical appointment, or have approved leave as per the requirements of the Education Act 1990.
16.I/We understand that all requests for leave must be in in accordance with the College’s Student Leave Policy and submitted in writing to the College Principal at least 4 weeks in advance of any proposed leave. Leave requests during the College term are strongly discouraged and will only be approved within the context of the relevant sections of the Education Act 1990.
17.I/We will ensure that our child will attend and participate fully in all College excursions, camps, outdoor education experiences and the like as arranged by the College from time to time.
18.I/We understand that students must be punctual in attending College and all lessons and scheduled activities.
19.I/We acknowledge the expectation that all students must make a genuine effort to work to the best of their ability, to complete homework, assessment and other tasks as required, and attempt to make the best possible progress in each area of the College curriculum.
20.I/We agree to support the Behaviour Management policies as they apply and will ensure that students will attend any and all sanctions including but not limited to lunchtime detentions, after-College detentions and/or weekend detention sessions.
21.I/We acknowledge that the College reserves the right to amend its academic and other programs as necessary, and this may include the right to discontinue teaching courses and/or elective subjects and other programs from time to time.
22.I/We acknowledge that the College has the right to offer or decline enrolment based upon the ability of the College to support and meet the behavioural, academic, social, emotional and other needs of the child.
23.I/We acknowledge that these Conditions of Enrolment may be amended at any time at the discretion of the College. Any amended Conditions of Enrolment shall be published on the website maintained by the College.
24.I/We acknowledge that prior to accepting a place at the College I/we will disclose all relevant information about my child that may need to be considered by the College including medical conditions, special gifts or talents, special needs, psychological test results or English as a second language, that may influence or determine whether the College has the capacity to meet the behavioural, academic, social, emotional and/or other needs of my child. Furthermore, I/We agree to provide any medical or specialist reports as requested by the College.
25.I/We acknowledge that my child must be involved in the co-curricular life of the College and that we will encourage and support such involvement.
26.I/We acknowledge that the College publishes information (including newsletters, letters from the Principal, class newsletters) which may contain information of importance to parents and/or carers. This information is sent home via email and other recognised electronic means and should be read by both parents/carers and students. It shall be deemed that information so communicated has been received by parents/carer.
27.I/We understand that failure to provide honest or relevant information in the completion of this enrolment form or before enrolment may result in the child’s enrolment being terminated if the College believes the information not supplied to be such that it would have influenced the decision as to whether a place of enrolment was offered.
1.I/We agree to lodge with the College, a non-refundable enrolment fee as the College has determined to be applicable for the calendar year in which entry to the College is sought for my child (currently $300). The non-refundable enrolment fee may be used by the College at its absolute discretion, determines.
2.I/We agree that all College Fees as published by the College from time to time are payable and will be paid by the fourth Friday of each term, or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the College, upon an account being furnished by the College. All other College expenses incurred by my child whilst enrolled at the College will be paid by the date nominated by the College.
3.I/We understand that where any account has not been settled by the fifth week of term, unless special arrangements have been agreed to in writing by the College, my child may not be allowed to attend classes and/or other College activities until the account is paid in full. Notwithstanding such exclusion from classes and/or other College activities, or other arrangements for payment permitted and agreed to in writing by the College, the liability to pay the account in full shall not be reduced. The College reserves the right to charge interest and an administration charge on outstanding accounts.
4.I/We understand that the College may suspend or cancel the enrolment of a student whose fees and other charges are in arrears where no special arrangements have been agreed to in writing by the College. I/We understand that the student will not be permitted to return to College or participate in other College activities if the fees for the previous billing remain unpaid.
5.I/We understand that each parent/guardian is jointly and severally liable for the payment of fees and charges including any fees and costs incurred by the College in recovering or attempting to recover any unpaid amounts due.
6.I/We understand that a minimum of one full term’s notice in writing must be given to the Principal before any student is withdrawn from the College. The notice should be given no later than one week prior to the end of the preceding term. If this notice is not given, I/we agree to pay one term’s fees in lieu of notice.
7.I/we understand that any changes of relevant personal and/or family details, including address, telephone number or other information contained on the Application for Enrolment Form must be communicated to the College as soon as known.
8.I/we understand if my child’s enrolment is terminated by either the College or by me/us, all outstanding fees and charges (the outstanding debt) must be paid in full. Furthermore, I/we understand that if the outstanding debt is not paid within 4 weeks of enrolment termination (or an alternative timeframe as agreed in writing by the College), the College will take action to recover the outstanding debt, which may involve debt collection and/or legal action. I/we understand that any fees incurred by the College in recovering the outstanding debt will be indemnified by
1.I/We acknowledge that the College seeks to maintain an environment that is safe for all students and in which learning can take place safely, efficiently and effectively. I/We also acknowledge that the Principal or their nominee may search the student’s bag, locker or other possessions where there are reasonable grounds to do so.
2.I/We understand that the College requires parents and visitors to observe College security procedures, including but not limited to use of the parking facilities and signing in and out at the College Reception when visiting the College.
3.I/We understand that the College has protocols for contacting students during the College day and that parents may only make contact with students during the College day through the College reception.
4.I/We acknowledge that the student’s personal property is not insured by the College and that the College does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.
5.I/We acknowledge that full disclosure of all medical and educational information as per the enrolment form is mandatory.
6.I/We acknowledge that in the event of injury or illness to my child necessitating hospital and/or medical treatment including but not limited to injections, blood transfusions, surgery and the like, and if the parent or guardian is not readily available to authorise such treatment, I/we authorise the Principal or, in their absence or by delegation, a member of the College staff, to give the necessary authority for such treatment without the College, or such person, incurring any legal liability to the parent, guardian or pupil in so doing. I/We indemnify the College, its employees and agents of all costs and expenses arising directly or indirectly out of such treatment.
7.I/We understand that the College does not take any responsibility for insuring the cost of medical or dental expenses where an accident to a student occurs while playing sport or taking part in College activities. Parents/carer are advised to consider taking out appropriate insurance cover.
1.I/We understand that the College collects personal information, including sensitive information about students and parents or guardians before and during the course of a student’s enrolment at the College. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to enable the College to provide education for your child.
2.I/We understand that some of the information we collect is to satisfy the College’s legal obligations, particularly to enable the College to discharge its duty of care.
3.I/We understand that the certain laws governing or relating to the operation of Colleges require that certain information is collected. These include Public Health and Child Protection laws.
4.I/We understand that the health information about students is sensitive information within the terms of the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act. We may ask you to provide medical reports about your child from time to time.
5.I/We understand that the College from time to time discloses personal and sensitive information to others for administrative and educational purposes. This includes but is not limited to other Colleges, government departments, medical practitioners, and people providing services to the College, including but not limited to specialist visiting teachers, sports coaches and volunteers.
6.I/We understand that if the College do not obtain the information referred to above, we may not be able to enrol or continue the enrolment of your son/daughter.
7.I/We understand that any personal information collected from students is regularly disclosed to their parents or guardians. On occasions information such as academic and sporting achievements, student activities and other news is published in College newsletters, College’s website and other similar publications.
8.I/We understand that parents may seek access to personal information collected about them and their son/daughter by contacting the College. Students may also seek access to personal information about them. However, there will be occasions when access is denied to students and/or parents. Such occasions would include but is not limited to situations where granting access may have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others, where access may result in a breach of the College’s duty of care to the student, where the College believes that granting access may not be in the best interest of the student or other students or staff, or where students have provided information in confidence.
9.I/We understand that the College from time to time will engage in fundraising activities. Information received from you may be used to make an appeal to you. It may also be disclosed to organisations that assist in the College’s fundraising activities solely for that purpose. We will not disclose your personal information to third parties for their own marketing purposes without your consent.
10.I/We understand that the College may include your contact details in a class list and College directory. We will seek your permission before such action is taken.
11.I/We understand that If you provide the College with the personal information of others, such as doctors or emergency contacts, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to the College and why.
12.I/We understand that the College requires parents to sign the Enrolment Application thereby authorising the College to use and disclose information in such a manner as the Principal may deem appropriate for the purposes of the student’s education, health, care, welfare and/or development.
13.I/We give permission for photographs and/or videos of the student to be placed in the College’s records, displayed from time to time around the College, be published in College publications, on its website and in other marketing and/or promotional material unless the Principal has been advised or is advised in writing that the parents/guardians do not give this permission.
14.I/We agree to provide to the College all current Family Court or other court orders relating to us and the student. We note that the College’s Privacy Policy deals with the confidentiality of such information.
We adhere to the Discrimination Act. We do however, prioritise applications according to the College’s Enrolment Policy, giving preference to staff, sibling(s) already at the College, and then in order of date of the receipt of the application form.
Written confirmation from parents is required if a student ceases their enrolment at the College. If the student is within the age range of compulsory school attendance, parents must provide the details of the new school where enrolment is sought. If not forthcoming, the Registrar (or person responsible for enrolments) will inform the Principal and they will ensure that the Home School Liaison Officer at the local Department of Education and Training is informed.
The College has protocols for the induction of all students. All new students are introduced to the relevant staff member. The induction process may include contact with parents to ensure the initial settling in period is sound and stable.
The College will email academic reports to the address and/or addresses notified by the Parents. If the Parents are separated or divorced, reports will be sent to each of the Parents on request to the address notified by each Parent unless there is a court order or an agreement that reports are to be sent to only one of the Parents.